Sound Mastery Practicum Day ~ October 22nd 2017

jeremy sills sound mastery practicum dayCalling all Sound Healers Training Graduates to a full day of refreshing & refining your skills – Sound Mastery Practicum !

Sound Mastery Practicum Day

October 22nd 2017
11am – 4pm
Wakefield, QC

If you have worked to integrate sound healing into your daily practice and or your professional services, then please come on out for a sound mastery practicum day. A day of refinement, refreshment, and re-sounding your way in how to deepen your experience and skill set with these amazing sound healing tools.

This Sound Mastery Practicum Day is for anyone who has taken a training or workshop with myself and or Athena and is interested in going deeper.  We will guide you through protocols that work as well as court the altered states as a means of accessing your intuition and resonance with the energies present as they respond to sound.

We will find out what has worked for you in your practice and what has not, and how to find flow with your voice and the bowls etc.  Please bring 2 or 3 of your primary sound healing tools/instruments.  If you work only the voice that is great and is enough ! 😉

We look forward to a playful day of serious sound 😉 – for more information and how to register – if you can bring a massage table please let me know ! –  limited to 10 students of sound !

living sound,

It is know that sound therapies reduce stress and anxiety.  Music & sound create a more balanced immune system, as well as enhance overall sense of well-being and of relaxation.  It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of various diseases and physical ailments, especially when used in companionship with other therapies.

The effect of sound and awareness practices have been utilized by esoteric and shamanic traditions throughout time. This workshop will support you to listen to, hear and use sound, silence and listening in a new way.


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